Will First Responders Know How to Help Your SynGAPian After an Accident?
FEBRUARY 17, 2020
Summer is a SRF Family Ambassador and Syngap Mom of Ryker.
As I was driving down the road with my non-verbal son in the back seat it hit me. What would I do if we were in an accident? What if I was knocked unconscious or worst died at the scene? How would emergency personnel know what to do with Ryker? Would he resist? Would he be aggressive? Would he use his talker and know to ask for help? How would Ryker get the care he needed? My mind can paint a worst-case scenario in remarkable detail.
A parent raising a child with special needs has to consider too many things and be prepared the best they can. Having your vehicle & child labeled for first responders is one option to consider.
Amazon and Etsy offer a variety of stickers and decals for your vehicle. (SRF does not receive any compensation for these mentions.) For instance:
Sample of Emergency Sticker from Amazon
Another option I found to be very beneficial is the seat belt covers. The decals are great to get the attention of paramedics and police officers from outside the vehicle. Seat belt covers offer more detailed information about your child once emergency crews locate your child inside the car. Name, specific details to help emergency personnel understand your child and emergency contact information. I found 614vinyl.com easy to work with, quality material and are able to create ones specific to your needs, they have a great store on Etsy.
Amazon has some great pre-made options for Medical Alert Seat Belt Covers. Some Syngapians using them are pictured here:
For us it was important that emergency personnel knew Ryker was non-verbal so I added that to the outside of the wrap. Other things I wanted them to know is that he is developmentally delayed and most likely won’t comprehend what is happening. Ryker suffers from seizures and can be aggressive; all things that will help emergency crews to help care for Ryker till family or friends can get to him.
This along with Wills can be very heavy and hard to think about, but are crucial to be prepared so our kiddos are taken care of “if” we are unable too.